Hypothetical Library is a project by cover designer Charlie Orr. His goal: to work with a wide range of amazing, contemporary writers on a project outside of their normal body of work.
The catch -- these books will never exist.
He asks each writer to provide flap copy for a book that they haven’t, won’t, but in theory could, write, and then he designs a cover for it.
Hypothetical book 1:By Colum McCann
Imagine if he wrote this book...
“In the 17th Century vast numbers of Irish men, women and children were forcibly transported to the American colonies by the British government. In this spectacular reinvention and examination of history, Colum McCann goes to the heart one of the great untold stories of our times as he follows a group of Irish indentured servants on their voyage to the West Indies, their plight on the Atlantic seas, their subsequent serfdom and their eventual liberation on the wave of a bloody revolution. This is a gripping portrayal of another century, another continent, another loss, told in McCann’s unique trademark prose, simultaneously stripped down and lyrical.”
Hypothetical book 2:
By David Lehman
Imagine if he wrote this book...“Lehman’s access to classified FBI files lends authority to his account of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. In addition to the official version of events as presented in newspapers and in the Warren Report, Lehman explores the most popular conspiracy theories of “what really happened on that dreadful day in Dallas when the nation lost not only its young leader but also its intellectual virginity.” His startling new assessment of Lee Harvey Oswald makes it clear why the conspirators had to have him killed.”
Lehman really got into the fun of this, proposing a full series: What Really Happened at Waterloo, What Really Happened at Yalta, What Really Happened in Dallas (November 22, 1963)
Hypothetical book 3:By L Millet and K Suckling
Imagine if they wrote this book...
“This powerful and strange hybrid beast — part epic story, part incantation, part polemic and part memoir — by novelist Lydia Millet and her husband, environmentalist and philosopher Kierán Suckling, tells the story of a relationship between human impulses toward self-destruction and our perception of the sublime; of a relationship between past and current visions and stories of the apocalypse and the psychology of climate-change denial; and of the cultural, historical and religious implications of the world’s ongoing Sixth Mass Extinction.”
Personally this whole project rickled my fancy & the it doesn't end there :) No doubt I'll do another post later on with more updates.
Music: TV on the Radio
Reading: 'Crash Deluxe' by Marianne de Pierres
The final in this cyber punk trilogy