I know, I know, it's Friday and I'm now getting around to writing. So you ask, what have I been doing? It must be fascinating, exciting and time consuming to keep me from my weekly post. Well, here's the sad news - that is not the case. The truth is Friday simply crept upon me unawares.
Writing wise I haven't been as productive as I'd like. I've got a stack of editing to do, but without a deadline reading for fun as been eating my time. This weekend I plan to crack the whip and try and get through a few more pages.
Side note:

Check out cover pic, what are your first thoughts?
Oh, Dan Brown has a new book out. It appears to be called Deadline. Oh, wait, what's that other name. It must be called, Simon Kernick: Deadline. Maybe it's about a reporter called Simon who has a deadline.
(you look closer)
Wait, Wait... The book is BY Simon Kernick.
So WHY is Dan Brown's name bigger than either the author or the title?
The front cover, which proudly boasts that it is an “exclusive” to WH Smith, bears the legend: “Dan Brown. If you like your thrillers as fast, furious and unputdownable as Dan Brown, then we thought you’d enjoy…Simon Kernick. Deadline.”
My opinion: lazy marketing, and if I were Mr Kernick I'd probably be pissed off. Sure have it as part of your advertising, maybe on a tag near the book, or on a poster. Or in small type on the cover. But really, the way it's done here.... I'll leave you to draw you own conclusions.
Music: Beats International
Currently reading: 'Feast of Souls' by Celia Friedman
I got distracted by a few other reads and this has been on temporary hold